CBD Oil in Texas: Is it Safe and Legal?
June 27, 2019

CBD is one of the most debated topics in the country right now. Many experts and celebrities are praising the benefits of CBD and there is an avalanche of CBD infused and CBD related products flooding the market. On the other side of the argument, cannabis, THC is listed as a schedule 1 drug and illegal in many states and by federal law. So is CBD actually legal in Texas and is it safe?
CBD and Hemp Oil are derived from the cannabis plant and are claimed to treat anxiety, depression, and physical pain. While there isn’t a lot of historical research on the effects of CBD and Hemp oil, some of the early findings have been promising. However, even assuming that these oils are beneficial, you may want to be careful as CBD oil is illegal in Texas unless you have a prescription.
What is CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become all the rage these days. You can find it in stores across the country, even in states that outlaw marijuana. This extract claims to treat a wide variety of health conditions, ranging from anxiety to inflammation to epileptic seizures.
There are a number of recent studies that show cannabidiols can help treat epilepsy, some with significant evidence and research. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel approved the use of CBD medication Epidiolex to treat childhood epilepsy. This has been the area where evidence has proven itself and the FDA agree that it's acceptable to approve this drug. This medication has been verified by the FDA as safe to use, even for children. For the rest of CBD's claims, there is limited data and research at this time.
What is Hemp Oil?
Like CBD, there has been an increased interest in hemp oil. There has also been confusion between CBD and hemp oil. While you may have heard of hemp oil, you're probably not sure what it entails. Or whether or not it contains THC, the illegal chemical found in cannabis.
When most people see a hemp product, they wonder if that product contains any THC. While hemp and marijuana are from the same Cannabis sativa L plant, marijuana contains high levels of THC while hemp only contains 0.3% THC. Hemp is mainly grown in Europe to produce biofuels, bioplastics, clothing, cosmetics, foods, nutritional supplements, paper, and more. Hemp oil stems from the stalk and seeds of the plant rather than the flowering tips. That means you can't “get high” from hemp oil.
CBD Vs Hemp Oil
While CBD is fairly new to most people, hemp oil has been around for several decades. It's commonly sold at health food stores. It's also commonly used in food and skincare products. However, when it comes to CBD vs hemp oil, there's even more confusion.
While CBD and hemp are derived from the same plant, they are not the same thing. They are often lumped together, which leads to this confusion. CBD and hemp oil have become trendy, especially in the beauty industry because they have been introduced in the latest skincare products. Hemp oil is known to be anti-inflammatory, does not clog pores, and provides moisturization to the skin which creates a supple glow. It's often used alone or with other beauty products.
There has been some research about the benefits of CBD oil. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and sensitive skin. It also has plenty of antioxidants. But it's still too early to tell if CBD follows up on these benefits.Hemp oil will always be listed as cannabis sativa seed oil. Meanwhile, CBD oil in Texas will be listed as cannabidiol, full-spectrum hemp, hemp oil, or PCR hemp extracts, just to make it even more confusing. Be sure to check the ingredients on your bottle, so you know exactly what you are purchasing.
Is CBD Oil Legal in Texas?
So, is CBD oil legal in Texas? If you carry CBD oil in Texas with a trace of THC in it, you could be charged for possession of a controlled substance, which can range from monetary fines to jail time and felony charges. If you do plan to use CBD oil in Texas, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure you fully understand the legal risks of possession.
If you have any questions about CBD and or pain management in general, please contact our team at Greater Austin Pain Center. Our expert pain management physicians can help provide the answers (and the treatment) you need to recover from whatever pain you may be experiencing.